We work according to the European EN 15038:2006 Quality Standard for Translation Services. This standard defines translation in such a way that the translation quality is guaranteed not only by a translator, but also by each participant in the translation process. According to the quality provisions of the standard, each translation must be reviewed and evaluated. Thus, to ensure the quality of the translation, we:
Special attention is given to the translation of specialised texts. It is a misconception that a good knowledge of the philology of a foreign language is enough. It is also necessary to know the industry-specific terminology and nuances, so as to avoid uncertainties and ambiguities, and to reduce the probability of misinterpretations. Professional translations may be performed only by native speaker translators who follow the key and inviolate translation rules, and ensure complete clarity of:
- For your convenience, you can contact us at any time of the day, 365 days a year.
- We will provide proposals and answers to your inquiries within 10 to 30 minutes.
- We provide exclusive discounts for translation services to our regular customers.
- Translation certification services are provided to regular customers free of charge.
- Delivery of documents to regular customers is also free of charge.
- We always guarantee the strictest confidentiality of all documents.