Technical & Legal translations into 100 languages



A transcription involves the accurate rewriting of records into a text document in the same language. Transcription can be done from a video or an audio recording.

Our most commonly provided transcription services:
Our transcriptions are carried out by specialists with at least 7 years of experience, and who are knowledgeable about working with documents and presenting them in their native language. Our experts listen carefully to the recording they are presented with before accurately transcribing the speeches into a text document.

Transcription in any language of your choice:

We offer translations of transcribed texts into and from any language of your choice, including:
At your request, a transcribed text can be translated into an appropriate language. In this case, a text document is sent to the translator experienced in that the selected area. In order to ensure uniform terminology, the translator will invoke not only the transcribed text, but also the original audio or video recording.
Also, to ensure the accurate conveyance of thought, it is very important that the video or audio recording is of the best possible quality, without excess background sounds or noises.

  1. For your convenience, you can contact us at any time of the day, 365 days a year.
  2. We will provide proposals and answers to your inquiries within 10 to 30 minutes.
  3. We provide exclusive discounts for translation services to our regular customers.
  4. Translation certification services are provided to regular customers free of charge.
  5. Delivery of documents to regular customers is also free of charge.
  6. We always guarantee the strictest confidentiality of all documents.

We, AS KOMFORTS, are one of the leading companies in the Baltic countries engaged in the design and manufacturing of thermal power equipment, and we are grateful to Baltic Translations for their successful cooperation in providing us with high quality and timely translations. Since we are satisfied with our current cooperation, we will continue to use Baltic Translations’ services in the future.


studio moderna

We found Baltic Translations on the internet, and after trying the service several times, we were satisfied with the quality and the efficiency of the translations. We have now cooperated for several years.
We are also grateful that we always receive answers to our inquiries very quickly.


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